Ana Iris

I’m here to share my ideas, stories, thoughts…
To give room for inspiration to blossom.
You are welcome to embark on this creative journey with me.


Natural Habitant is my second novel, published in 2022. As we follow Stephan on his last day on Earth, we wonder do ordinary lives even exist, or are they lives of people we don't know well enough.
Click on the title above to purchase this novel.


If you'd like to read the first few pages of my books, to see if you resonate with the characters and their life stories, follow this link. It's completely free.


Twin Flames is my first novel, published in 2021.
Follow the link to my Amazon account and order your copy of Twin Flames. It's available in paperback and ebook formats.

I'd love to hear from you. This is where you can find me:

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I’m on Goodreads, too! Let’s share our love for breathtaking stories and cozy vibes.

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About Me

Hi! I’m Ana from Croatia. I spent most of my life planning to do something completely different so I got an education in the field of heritage and tourism. Although I do many different things today, my love for writing always prevails. If you want to get to know me better, almost 500 pages (from both of my books) will help you with that—if you know how to read between the lines. A faster way but not nearly as thorough is to contact me via email or dm me on Instagram.

Contact me

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